PT school figuring out is going. I'm not going to be able to fit all the credits I need into one year... Too many sciences, but I am tempted to try to do it anyway. I'm so impatient. Might be around home for 2 more years before I head to the city for 3 years of schooling.
I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a class or two this summer, although I already have a trip to NYC and a beach trip, so that's probably going to mess with what summer sessions I can attend...
Gotta get a good number of volunteer/shadowing hours in. It would be pretty sweet if I could get a job at a PT place so I could make money and get hours in at the same time.
Sometimes this adventure is so exciting I can't wait to begin it and other times I am so scared! But, I can't let fear stop me. This is my life and I've got to live it!