I officially submitted my application today on PTCAS. I decided to apply to three schools. Mostly because I am attached to my family and don't want to be too far away, and also I don't want to be long-distance from my SO any longer than I have to. (We are working on 3, almost 4 years of being long-distance and it is getting old!)
Thus, I decided to apply to all three DPT programs in a city about an hour from my hometown.
My School Choices
1. Highly Ranked University (School A)
2. Smaller, unranked University (School B)
3. Back-Up School (School C)
I still need a letter from one of the PTs I did my shadowing with, so I hope he gets that submitted super quickly so that my application is complete.
I kind of feel panicked it went out this "late" even though it's still early in the game. At least I'll definitely be considered early decision for the smaller, unranked school (Oct 15) and School A's deadline is December 15. As for School C, I'm not really worried about, because it's my "just in case" school!
So... now, once I get that last PT letter I just have to wait and see what happens. This, I'm sure is going to be the WORST part.