So... I realized I haven't written on this blog forever and then I realized it's because I've been really busy... busy working on "the house"!
J* and I got a house and closed on May 3rd. Since then it's been a whirlwind of weekend work dates paired with J*'s constant attention in the evenings to try to whip this place into shape.
In fact, here I am a few weeks ago sanding the floors... I know, I know... I make sanding look real good. ;)
Although our original plan was to "take our relationship to the next step" and move-in together, we hadn't considered that would involve buying a house. But, given rental rates vs mortgage rates, we couldn't pass it up. This house has great potential and we are impatiently awaiting the day when we can sit on our couch and admire all the hardwork we've done... Or, in my case, sit on the couch buried in school books up to my ears... But hey, it will be somewhere to sit! Which is more than I can say about our current situation.
Anyway, none of this would be possible without the love and support of J*, and although I give him a hard time, he really is a good guy at heart and I wouldn't want to be sanding floors, ripping down wallpaper, or finding weird electrical things with anyone else. :)