Friday, April 10, 2009

New path... again

I think I've got it this time. Really, I do. Haha.

So- I am in the midst of getting into Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) school. Butler County Community College has a 2 year degree and they only accept 30 students. Last year there was a waiting list.

I've been emailing the program director back and forth all week long, he seems really nice. I'm going to go meet him in person on April 21st.

Before I apply I have to have 20 hours of volunteer/work experience under a licensed PT or PTA. Luckily, I know a lady pretty well that does this for a living; and has her own business.

So far I've gotten 3 hours in, and this coming week I should at least get 10+.

I'm getting it done as quickly as possible so that I can get that application turned in and get accepted.

The best part is for the first time since I've tried to change my career SOME OF MY CLASSES FROM IUP COUNT!!!! Woooohooooo! All my science, math and english courses count, plus my liberal studies (Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology...) So the only non-PTA classes I will take will be Anatomy & Physiology I and II.

So, keep your fingers crossed that I can get my hours super quick and get my application turned in, so I can hopefully get accepted!! (Also, Penn State DuBois has a program so I can try to get accepted there as well.)

The 3 hours I spent with the PTA and PT on Wednesday was awesome. It was EXACTLY how I thought it would be, which made me super, super excited! :)

So, yeah. New life plan #230498234098234. It's all good. I think this time I'm done. (I think... I hope. I can't take this too much longer.)

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